No. 422/KPTS/LB.720/6/1988





In view of:


To Stipulate:



Article 1

As used in this Decree:

Article 2

(1) Animal quarantine actions shall be imposed on animals, materials of animal origin, and products of material of animal origin imported into, or to be exported from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, or brought into or to be taken from an island within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

(2) Animal quarantine actions shall be carried out at all points of entry and export of animals, materials of animal origin, and products of material of animal origin mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article.


Article 3

(1) The authority of and the responsibility for the carrying out of animal quarantine actions are wielded by the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine.

(2) The Centre for Agricultural Quarantine shall have authority over the regional animal quarantine services and the regional animal quarantine service shall have authority over the animal quarantine stations.

(3) The officer-in-charge of the station shall be accountable for the performance of animal quarantine actions at the station to the head of the regional animal quarantine service, and the head of the regional animal quarantine services shall be accountable for the supervision of the animal quarantine actions at the station under his authority to the Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine.

Article 4

(1) The Minister shall appoint veterinarians to be animal quarantine veterinarians on proposal of the Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine.

(2) For the submission of the proposal mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article, the Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine shall have observed the requirements stipulated jointly by the Director General of Livestock Service and the Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine.

Article 5

(1) Animal quarantine actions shall be performed by animal quarantine veterinarians.

(2) In performing the animal quarantine actions the animal quarantine veterinarian shall be assisted by inspectors.

(3) In performing the animal quarantine actions the animal quarantine veterinarians at the station shall work on an appointment basis and shall be subordinate to the officer-in-charge of the station.

(4) In performing the animal quarantine actions the animal quarantine veterinarian at the regional animal quarantine service shall work on an appointment basis and shall be subordinate to the head of the regional animal quarantine service.

(5) In case an animal quarantine veterinarian at the regional animal quarantine service is assigned by the head of the regional animal quarantine service to assist in the performance of quarantine actions at the station he shall be subordinate to the officer-in-charge of the station.

(6) In places where no animal quarantine veterinarians are stationed yet, the Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine may appoint inspectors to perform quarantine actions, and as such they shall be responsible to the officer-in-charge of the station.

(7) The authority of and the responsibility for the execution of quarantine actions at the temporary installation rest with the officer-in-charge of the station at the point of entry/export of animals, materials of animal origin, and product of animal origin.

(8) Animal quarantine veterinarians in performing the quarantine actions shall base their performance upon the professional responsibility of veterinarians.


Article 6

(1) Animal quarantine actions shall be carried out at the installations or temporary installations.

(2) In case the quarantine actions have to be performed at the temporary installation, the Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine (on behalf of the minister) shall decide on a temporary installation and its requirements taking into account the recommendation of the head of the regional animal quarantine service whose region includes the site of the temporary installation to be established.

(3) For the submission of the recommendation as mentioned in Paragraph (2) of this article, the head of the regional animal quarantine service concerned shall have consulted the district livestock service/branch service and other relevant service.

Article 7

(1) The Stations shall be equipped with facilities for:

(2) In addition to the facilities mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article, the stations at the international seaports and airports shall be furnished with incinerators and/or sterilization facilities.

Article 8

(1) No person except the inspectors on duty shall be admitted to an installation/temporary installation without a written permission of the officer-in-charge of the station.

(2) For the admittance to an installation/temporary installation which is located far from the station, the written permission mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article shall be given by the animal quarantine veterinarian on duty on behalf of the officer-in-charge of the station.

Article 9

(1) It is prohibited to keep, slaughter and/or kill animals within the area of a seaport, airport, or installation/temporary installation except with the permission of animal quarantine veterinarian.

(2) It is prohibited to throw away cadavers, waste of hay/feed, materials or other articles that have been in direct contact with transported animals, within the area of a seaport, airport or installation/temporary installation.

(3) Any object and/or material mentioned in Paragraph (2) of this Article shall be destroyed by the method and at the place as stipulated, under the supervision of the animal quarantine veterinarian.


Part One

Article 10

(1) The kinds of quarantine diseases, the kinds of susceptible animals, incubation periods, diagnostic tests and duration of tests prior to embarkation, shall be those listed in Annex I to this Decree.

(2) Any export or entry of carrying media of quarantine diseases shall fulfill the animal quarantine requirements and procedures as provided in this Decree.

Article 11

(1) To prevent the introduction and spread of quarantine diseases, the Minister:

(2) It is prohibited to bring in animals, materials of animal origin, and products of material of animal origin which are carriers of quarantine diseases from countries or areas in which an outbreak of quarantine diseases is in progress, except those carrying media of quarantine diseases intended for investigation or research purposes in a government laboratory under a permit issued by the Director General of Livestock Services.

Article 12

(1) To prevent the possible occurrence of accident, disaster, stress to animals as well as the spread of quarantine diseases caused by transportation, the Minister shall stipulate requirements for transport facilities and containers for animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin in a separate decree.

(2) Before and after use, each transport facility shall be cleaned and disinfected, and if after use the transport facility appears to be infected and cannot possibly be cleaned or disinfected, such transport facility shall be destroyed.

(3) During transportation, the animals shall be accompanied by tenders or herds-men who shall take care of treatment and safety of the animals, and shall be provided with sample supply of feed, drinking water and medicaments.

Article 13

(1) The entry/export of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of animal origin shall only be allowed through seaports or airports listed in Annex II to this Decree.

(2) Deviation from the provision mentioned in Paragraph (1) can be done only by permission of the Minister.

Article 14

(1) Except in the case of hand-carried articles, the owner shall give notice of the prospective entry or export of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin to the officer-in-charge of the station before the arrival, embarkation, or entry into installation/temporary installation of the consignment.

(2) If the facilities at the installation/temporary installation as mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article appear to be not available, the animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin shall be transferred to another installation/temporary installation. If the transfer is between installation/temporary installation within the area of the same regional animal quarantine service, the approval for such transfer shall be given by the head of the regional animal quarantine service, whereas for the transfer to an area of another regional animal quarantine service, the approval shall be given by the Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine.

(3) At the time of arrival as mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article, the owner shall submit the animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin along with the required documents to the officer-in-charge of the station or in case the carrying media of quarantine diseases have to go to an installation/temporary installation which is situated far from the station, to the inspector on duty who shall report it to the officer-in-charge of the station.

(4) Before and after use, the installation/temporary installation shall be cleaned and disinfected.

Article 15

(1) Animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin shall only be allowed to be taken out of the station and declared free of quarantine control if:

(2) Health inspection of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin shall be carried out by day (between sunrise and sunset) except if owing to certain circumstances the animal quarantine veterinarian considers that it can be performed by night.

(3) To confirm the result of the inspection, diagnostic test may be carried out in a quarantine laboratory or in another nearest laboratory on request made by the animal quarantine veterinarian.

Article 16

(1) The quarantine periods as mentioned in Paragraph (1) of Article 15 shall be as follows:

(2) Any alteration in the quarantine period as mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article shall be decided by the Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine after having consulted the Director General of Livestock Services by request of the animal quarantine veterinarian with due observance of the incubation period as mentioned in Annex I to this Decree.

Article 17

All instructions for the carrying out of quarantine actions given by the animal quarantine veterinarian shall be in writing.

Part Two
Entry of Animals, Materials of animal origin, or Products of material of animal origin

Article 18

(1) Notification of prospective entry of animals, materials of anima) origin, or products of material of animal origin as mentioned in Paragraph (1) of Article 14 shall be submitted by the owner to the officer-in-charge of the station at least two days prior to the arrival of the consignment at the seaport/airport of destination.

(2) Animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin brought into the territory of the. Republic of Indonesia from overseas or brought into an island from another within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia shall undergo health inspection by animal quarantine veterinarian prior to the unloading of the consignments.

(3) Health inspection mentioned in Paragraph (2) of this Article of materials of animal origin and products of material of animal origin shall be carried out as to:

Article 19

(1) Any entry of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin shall be accompanied by:

(2) If animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin are not accompanied by the documents as mentioned in Paragraph (1) a or (1) b of this Article, they shall be refused entry or destroyed, except that if the owner guarantees that said requirements can be complied with within 7 (seven) days the animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin subject to Article 20 and Article 22 may be detained in installation, otherwise they shall be destroyed.

(3) If animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin are not accompanied by the documents as mentioned in Paragraph (1) c of this Article:

(4) If animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin are not accompanied by the documents mentioned in Paragraph (1) d of this Article:

Article 20

(1) If in the course of inspection on board the carrier prior to mooring, the animals are suspected of being infected by quarantine disease in Category I, or it appears that they originated from a country/area into which the entry of animals is prohibited, or from a country/area in which an outbreak of a quarantine disease is in progress:

(2) If in the course of inspection on board an airplane the animals are suspected of being infected by a quarantine disease in Category I or appear to have originated from a country/area into which the entry of animals is prohibited or appear to have originated from a country/area in which an outbreak of a quarantine disease is in progress:

(3) If in the course of inspection on broad the carrier as mentioned in Paragraph (1) or airplane as mentioned in Paragraph (2) of this Article, the animals do not show symptoms of quarantine diseases in Category I and there is no mortality due to quarantine diseases in Category I, and there are no animals that originated from a country/area into which the entry of the animals is prohibited, or from a country/area in which there is an outbreak or quarantine disease in Category I and the kinds as well as quantity of the animals are the same as those given in the accompanying documents, the animals after having been freed from ectoparasites may be landed and:

Article 21

(1) Upon arrival at the installation, the animals shall be placed in an enclosure and arranged in group of sick, weak, and healthy animals.

(2) During the period the animals are in quarantine, observation shall be carried out for the possible appearance of quarantine diseases.

(3) If quarantine diseases in Category I appear in the installation, all of the animals shall be destroyed.

(4) If a quarantine diseases in Category II is destroyed:

(5) If at the end of the quarantine period the animal quarantine veterinarian is convinced that the animals are free from a quarantine disease, the animals shall be released, after the owner has fulfilled the obligations as mentioned in Article 29 and Article 33 Paragraph (1).

Article 22

(1) If during inspection of the materials of animal origin or products of material of animal origin on board the carrier, it is evident that:

(2) If inspection cannot be carried out on board the carrier, it shall be carried out within the seaport/airport area, in the installation or temporary installation and if deemed necessary a laboratory test shall be done; while awaiting the result, the materials of animal origin or products of material of animal origin shall be detained at the said places.

(3) Transportation of materials of animal origin or products of material of animal origin to the installation for inspection as mentioned in Paragraph (2) of this Article shall be conducted under the supervision of an inspector.

Article 23

(1) If a ship or airplane carrying animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin calls in an emergency at a port other than one of those mentioned in Article 13, the captain concerned shall as soon as possible report to the inspector of the nearest station, or to the local livestock service officer or to the local government.

(2) The Inspector mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article shall report the case within 2x24 hours to the nearest officer-in-charge of the station.

(3) Animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin, and other article or material having been in direct contact with them, shall not be allowed to disembark or a to leave the site of the emergency call until they have been inspected and allowed to be discharged by the nearest animal quarantine veterinarian.

(4) In case of an emergency call at a port, if the carrier is unable to continue its journey, the animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin shall be treated according to the conditions applicable to the entry of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin into the area.

Article 24

To prevent the introduction and spread into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia of quarantine diseases from overseas through carriers in transit the following conditions shall apply:

(1) Carrier in transit shall only be allowed to call at any port if:

(2) Disembarkation of in-transit animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin and the transfer of the consignment to another carrier shall be allowed only in case of necessity and shall be supervised by the animal quarantine veterinarian.

(3) If in the course of inspection on board the carrier a quarantine disease in Category I is found, the carrier shall be required to leave the seaport/airport as soon as possible by the administrator of the seaport/airport upon advice given by the animal quarantine veterinarian.

(4) If the animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin have already been disembarked and upon inspection are found infected by a quarantine disease in Category I, the consignment shall be destroyed immediately, and if found infected by a quarantine disease in Category Il the consignment shall be reloaded and the carrier shall be required to leave the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, or else they shall be destroyed.

Part Three
Export of Animals, Materials of animal origin and
Products of material of animal origin

Article 25

(1) The owner of animals, materials of animal origin, and products of material of animal origin intended for export shall submit an application for quarantine inspection to the Officer-in-Charge of the Station:

(2) If the requirements mentioned in Paragraph (1) a of this Article are not complied with, the application shall be refused.

(3) If the requirement mentioned in Paragraph (1) b of this Article is not complied with, the animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin shall be allowed to be brought into the installation, and the owner shall be enabled to comply with the requirement until 1 (one) day before embarkation, and if during that time the owner does not comply with the requirement, the animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin shall not be allowed to leave, but shall be taken out of the installation to be returned to the owner.

Article 26

(1) Animals that have been brought to the animal quarantine veterinarian by the owner shall be required to be taken to the installation for quarantine actions during the quarantine period as mentioned in Article 16.

(2) If in the course of clinical inspection, the animals are found infected by a quarantine disease in Category I the animals shall be destroyed and the case shall be reported to the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine, the provincial livestock service, and the Directorate General of Livestock Service.

(3) If there are animals suspected of being infected by a quarantine disease in Category II, such animals shall be isolated and not allowed to leave, and shall be treated according to the animal disease control guidance and subsequently returned to the owner. The rest of the animals shall be detained further for re-observation, imposition of pre-cautionary measures or treatment until the animals are regarded to be no longer the source of infec-tious diseases.

(4) If there are animals whose condition makes it impossible for them to depart, not because of a quarantine disease, the animals shall be taken out of the installation to be returned to the owner.

(5) Quarantine actions as mentioned in Paragraph (3) can be supplemented or adjusted according to the requirements of the destination country/area.

(6) If the animal quarantine veterinarian is satisfied that the animals to be transported are in good health and sufficient space in the carrier, feed, drinking water, and medicaments are available, he shall order the embarkation of the animals on the issuance of a certificate of health stating that animals are healthy and that the requirements of the destination coun-try/area have been complied with, after the owner has fulfilled all obligations as men-tioned in Article 29 and Paragraph (1) of Article 33.

(7) Animals being transported from an installation to a carrier that will take the animals directly to the country/area shall not be allowed to be landed, added or changed with other animals, en route, and the transportation shall be conducted under the supervision of an inspector.

Article 27

(1) Health inspection of materials of animal origin or products of material of animal origin by the animal quarantine veterinarian shall be carried out within the area of seaport/airport as to:

(2) If inspection cannot be carried out within the area of seaport/airport, it shall be carried out at the installation/temporary installation designated by the Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine taking into consideration the recommendation from the head of the regional animal quarantine service concerned after the latter has consulted the provincial livestock service.

(3) If the inspection is carried out outside the area of seaport/airport, the transportation of the materials of animal origin or products of material of animal origin from the inspection place to the carrier shall be conducted under the supervision of an inspector.

(4) If the requirements in Article 25 have been met and the materials of animal origin or products of material of animal origin have been declared healthy and have undergone all quarantine actions required by the recipient county/area, the materials of animal origin or products of material of animal origin shall be ordered to be loaded into the carrier on the issue of certificate of health to the owner, after the owner has fulfilled all obligations mentioned in Article 29 and Article 33 Paragraph (1).

(5) If the materials of animal origin or products of material of animal origin are declared to be not healthy the consignment shall not be permitted to be loaded into the carrier.


Article 28

The animal quarantine provisions in this Decree shall not apply to animals owned by the Armed Forces.

Article 29

(1) The safeguard and treatment of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin shall be the responsibility of the owner.

(2) If in the course of the performance of quarantine actions, damage occurs at the installation on account of the service provided to the owner of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin, all expenditure for repair shall be borne by the owner.

(3) All of the necessities including transportation for the inspector in connection with the performance of quarantine actions in temporary installation shall be borne by the owner.

Article 30

If in the course of the performance of the duties of the animal quarantine veterinarian/inspector, damage to or loss of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin, or demurrage occurs, the Government or the animal quarantine veterinarian/inspector shall be exempt from all claims for such damage, loss, or demurrage.

Article 31

(1) The destruction of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin mentioned in Article 19, 20, 20, 22, 24 and 26 shall be carried out by or under the supervision of the animal quarantine veterinarian.

(2) Each destruction shall be witnessed by the owner, police officer and other officials concerned.

(3) For each destruction an official report shall be drawn up at least in triplicate, each copy of which is for the owner, the officials concerned, and the animal quarantine veterinarian.

Article 32

The owner of animals, materials of animal origin, or products of material of animal origin that have been destroyed as mentioned in Article 19, 20, 20, 22, 24 and 26 shall have no right to claim for any compensation.

Article 33

(1) Any person utilizing the quarantine services shall pay fees and charges, the amount and recovery procedure of which shall be prescribed in a separate decree.

(2) All proceeds resulting from the service mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article shall be the revenue of the Government and shall be deposited with the Government Treasury.


Article 34

By the issuance of this Decree, the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 328/Kpts/OP/5/1978 connected with No. 533/Kpts/OP/8/1979 and other regulations contrary to this Decree shall be invalid.

Article 35

This Decree shall take effect on the date of issuance.

Issued in Jakarta
on the 25th of June 1988

No. 422/KPTS/LB.720/6/1988